Women’s Facilities

Penal Press: Women's Facilities

In the early years of the Canadian penal press, women’s contributions were limited, due to the significantly smaller population of female inmates. Until 1995, the only federal penitentiary for women was the Kingston Prison for Women, and accordingly, all women with sentences longer than two years were required to serve their time there, separating them from their families, friends and communities.  

In the early 70s, at least two publications produced by women in correctional facilities emerged. For researchers, these publications contribute a feminist perspective to the penal press collection, providing context to the uniquely gendered experiences of women in the Canadian penal system.  

Cover for the Spring 1990 issue of Tightwire, with a drawing of an arm combing over a brick wall topped with barbed wire.  Cover for the November/December 1976 issue of Tightwire, with a drawing of a blindfolded women walking across a tightrope. The women holds balancing scales in both hands. In her right-hand the scales are balancing “Ottawa Politics” and “Public Opinion”, in her left hand the scales are balancing “TA’s” and “Parole”.  Cover for the September - December 1975 issue of Tightwire. A drawing of wood and vines frames the cover, with a large sun in the centre.

Image Caption: Covers from Tightwire issues (Spring 1990, November-December 1976, December 1975).

The library holds two collections of publications from women’s facilities:  

  • The Inside Outlook* (Vanier Centre for Women, Brampton, ON) 
  • Tightwire (Kingston Prison for Women, Kingston, ON)  

*The Inside Outlook is also unique in the penal press, as it was produced in a provincial prison, where inmates were serving sentences of two-years or less. Despite this rapid turnover of contributors, editors, and press staff, The Inside Outlook maintained a consistent and extensive output of issues. 

For a full record of the issues the library holds pertaining to this topic, please refer to the penal press finding aid (PDF).