Grey Literature Collections
Grey literature is information researched and produced by academics, non-academic organizations, and the government, published outside of the commercial publishing process (Grey Literature International Steering Committee). Grey literature can provide raw statistical data, and perspectives not traditionally available from published sources.
Image caption: Social Defence in India. Central Bureau of Correctional Services, New Delhi, 1970. Native Women and the Criminal Justice System: An Increasing Minority. Ontario Native Women's Association, March 1982.
The Centre for Criminology Library holds a diverse and extensive grey literature collection, including sources such as:
- First-hand reports, internal reviews, and communications from various police departments
- Research from non-profit groups, governmental departments, and community organizations
- Unpublished research from the Centre of Criminology (e.g., dissertations, research commissioned by external organizations, seminar papers, etc.)
- Conference proceedings
- Provincial and national statistical data from various penal institutions and police detachments
Grey literature can be difficult to find. Luckily, the Centre for Criminology Library has been collecting grey literature from various government, public, and private associations for the last 60 years. The library’s abundant collection of historical grey literature provides an invaluable resource for your research, covering a wide array of topics within policing, penitentiaries, and crime in Canada.
For more information on some of the topics which our collection best highlights and details, see our finding aid, use the links below, or the menu tabs to the left, to explore four themed sub-collections that the library has curated. This material is kept in boxes at the front of the library, please ask a staff member for assistance.
- Critical Criminology and Social Justice Research
- Mental Health and Addiction
- Youth and Families
- Toronto Metropolitan Police: Service, Programs and Community Relations
- International Grey Literature and Reports
- Race and Critical Justice
Additional Resources
For more information on grey literature, and how to use it in your research, see the resources below:
- Research Guide: Grey Literature: Where to find various grey literature formats, with information on evaluation and citation.
- Government Information: Where to find government information collections at the University of Toronto Libraries